financial education is what we need

This is my first blog & i must take the name of my bro' jayanta who i think show the way of blogging.
so, coming on the point i just want to share some of my experience of the education system of our own country, where just going to school, getting degree, & getting a good job is known as education. but is that real education by what we can stay in these circumstances where life is running more speedy that a bullet, recession is killing dreams of childhood.
so, the question is where we are getting behind??
on this, i think we as youngsters don't know what a financial education all about (because money is what we are running all around), so if we don't know how we can manages our finances, how we can survive. all we know is to do a job and take the salary that gone zero in the first week, in our whole life of schooling & college we were never taught about finances, we didn't know about investments. when somebody tells about share market, we kind of run. But isn't that on that BSE INDEX our GDP depends. we were taught that our house is an asset, but in reality its just a liability.
but in recent times, people in urban cities know how these things work, but in other 85% of India still don't know the power of financial education. Sometimes i think that education ruins our thinking ability. You want proof that Indian & world education needs a change. just count the name of the richest man, or the greatest inventors of all time. they were sick of those education. In India Dhirubhai ambani was not that educated, Bill gates didn't took his degree, thomas alva edison was just an example.
so, we have to hit upon the mind of ours and think, how we can learn those financial knowledge that we were forbidden in our whole schooling & college life. It does not always need money to make money. It just need a sound knowledge & a simple idea to makes money. As one of my favorite author Mr.Robert T. Kiyosaki say's "don;t work for money, let money works for you".
so my fellow young people, just sit & think what you are gifted with, not what the world want you to be!!


  1. Thanks dada for naming me!
    Welcome to the world of blogs, a virtual world where we unite and express - whatever!
    About the education pattern, really its very sad that someone who clicks in the exams only get themselves the "right to live" and others... left in the mercy of a phase called "struggling period". Its very sad enough that creativity is what not counted any more. What else can I say... let the breeze follow the same direction untill it strikes a major road block - the one that is happening now the very hateful word "recession"
    All the best... and keep bloging...



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